Friday, April 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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And speaking of extremes…Thanks teachers’ unions and your l’il leftist useful idiot apprentices!

mmmbut actually, no thanks. 

OTHER hard to swallow —but true! — EMAIL… besides my formal invite to the communist rally next week:

One PTBC reader wrote about our military being barred from Quebec schools.  It’s true! 

It reminds me of when the useful idiots at U. Victoria (embarrassingly, where I went to university) banned—or tried to but ultimately, mercifully, failed to ban—the Canadian military from recruiting there during a jobs fair. 

Another reader gave me a heads-up about fancophoney schools choosing to ban the singing of ‘O Canada” at “their” schools.  It’s also true!

Frighteningly, the schools there have been directed by the government to either sing ‘O Canada’ or choose some other daily activity to promote “Canadian Values”.  This frightens me because the last people on earth that I want teaching my children—or yours—about what are and what aren’t “Canadian Values”, are a group of excessively pro-unionist and pro-left-wing and anti-conservative propagandists whose “Values” are demonstrably not my own.

But this story takes the cake for me, today:  John Nolte at Big exposes some of the other things kids learn today at school, with MORE VIDEOS.

If you think this sort of thing is limited to American schools, you’re woefully ignorant of what goes on in classrooms today. Canadian schools are nothing short of liberal-left-wing indoctrination centers, or to borrow the Coulterism, teachers are the clerics in the Church of Liberalism.  Many of them are outright Marxists.  And they’re teaching those “values” very well, apparently. 

Vote liberal.  Get more of this.

Joel Johannesen
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