Friday, April 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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GOOD READ: Lorne Gunter column at NatPo; the essence of PTBC

Today, the National Post’s excellent columnist Lorne Gunter unwittingly spells out one of the reasons I started this web site, using the name I chose, which is of course ProudToBeCanadian.  It was because the name and traditional, enterprising, God-loving conservative —ie., true Canadian — advocacy I would advance would be found by the many elitist liberals and other leftists—the bigots and hypocritical oafs—to literally be incongruous — a sort of oxymoronWhat do you mean “proud to be Canadian”?  You’re a damn neo-con!

It only drives me crazy that they miss the fact that it took a conservative to even think of registering the domain name “ProudToBeCanadian”.  No liberals even thought of it. 

image To this day the name of this site still causes liberals (or, as they call themselves, “real Canadians”) to lapse into fits of sputtering rage in anger-filled, hateful emails to me, a great many of which repeat variations of the phrase “move to Texas where you belong!” and most of them angrily demanding that I “change the name of that web site!”, ironically missing (as they always do) the intolerance and the offensive bigotry and the undercurrent of Nazi-like ethnic cleansing messaging contained within their words, proving they are a farce and that they clearly just pretend to champion “tolerance” and “inclusion”, for which they have nonetheless become famous. 

Anyway, that was a long way of simply getting you to read an excellent column.  Here’s the part that I’d like to include as an explanation of this web site:

What hypocrites the Liberals are. For more than four decades, the Liberal Party of Canada has deliberately confused its policies with our national interest, then labelled as “un-Canadian” anyone who disagreed with them.

Not a fan of government monopoly health care? You’re un-Canadian. Not big on easy unemployment benefits, official bilingualism, dismantling our military, beggaring our economy in the name of environmentalism, coddling criminals, huge public debts, activist judges, multiculturalism, foreign investment reviews, national energy policies and so on? Shame on you for being so un-Canadian.

…Read the rest (two minutes)…

Raphael Alexander: Anyone who doesn’t support easier EI is unCanadian. Except Liberals. Because it’s their program


Joel Johannesen
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