Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Housekeeping Questions

Housekeeping time!

Question One:
A reader named Hilary (maybe a student or a parent or just a history buff who wants a more honest perspective) emailed me this earnest question which took me aback, because I suddenly realized that I couldn’t provide her with a positive answer.  I told her I would put it out there and try to get an answer.  So here it is, hoping somebody can help her:

Dear Joel,

I wonder if you have any suggestions of books about Canadian history that might give a more balanced view than what I was taught in school where the emphasis was on Trudeau as Savior of the Country.

Question Two:
This question will confirm for the liberals and pansy-arse conservatives out there who accuse me of being a latter day Canadian Joe McCarthy, that I am in fact not as much a “nutbar” as I am simply “on guard for thee”.  Yes even thee. 

Here it is:  Who has detected the actual bonafide communist in our midst?  Many people over the past week have posted their comments.  One was a communist who sounded very rational and compelling to at least one person who he already seemed to convert.  It was easy to spot.  I also want suggestions on a prize for the winners. 


CJ wins the prize.  Read the comments for the answer and why I asked the question in the first place.  (And by the way, I see the badly maligned by liberals Joe McCarthy as more of a hero than a villain). 


Joel Johannesen
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