Thursday, April 25, 2024

State-Funding of Sports Boondoggles Need To Be Sent To The Penalty Box

Taxpayer funding of major professional sports should be completely disqualified from the game. Whether it's the Olympics (or as I call them, The Government Games, because that's precisely what...

I’m from the government and I’m here to help you become barely mediocre like us.

"Freeland promises to 'unlock pathways' to middle-class." She says it like it's a good thing. But attaining "middle class" status isn't good, it's barely adequate. It's like boasting, We're number...

Big-Ass Government makes Big-Ass Blunder

After reading the story, my reflexive X response to the state-owned CBC's post on X about this story was: Blame Big Government: It was reflexive but I was confident it...


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Top 7 This Week

Random - From The Archives (Yikes!)

Sarah Palin “invented” “change”? Obama didn’t? Obama “stole” her idea?

Apparently! While Fox News Channel’s extremely able Greta Van Susteren seemed to miss the amazing revelation on her “On The Record” program yesterday, I sure...

Green Party loons join left-wing cabal. Communists also share sentiments.

The “progressive” or left-wing forces are all joining in to defeat the Conservatives, as usual.  Now it’s the Greens.  PURE COINCIDENCE UPDATE...

Ignatieff says Canadian taxpayers must fund abortions … for the world! An abortion in every pot!

The compassionate respectful one, the dear leader of Canada’s Liberal know-it-all elite, Michael Ignatieff, is moving more quickly than usual to jump down Prime...

Se Puede Get Two Years Tax-Free!

If Congress adopts the Bush plan and gives amnesty to illegal aliens, Senate Republicans will be asking President Cheney for a pardon. Bush wants to...

CBC Articles

CBC Waste-o-Meter

“Here’s what you need to know” (wink).

Half the problem with the "news" media is their...

In light of Hamas terrorist attacks, CBC presenter tweets that AMERICA is the biggest terrorist nation. *UPDATED*

Great catch on X by Andy Ngo, who usually...

CBC should never have existed.

There is a lot of state-owned CBC sentiment among...

UPDATED — State-owned CBC labeled “Government funded” on Twitter. So they quit because it’s true.

I'm interrupting my hiatus to comment on this good...

Such a Gem. State-owned CBC teaches us about (all kinds of) sex. Thank God.

Tired of Rosemary Barton? Can't find any porn on...

Quitting the habit, journalist leaves state-owned CBC for healthier life.

Quitting smoking is old news. Everybody's done it. But...

Remarkable exposure of state bias by state employee at state election and state CBC

Amazing catch by Jonathan Kay of Quillette and NatPo...

Canada Debt-o-Meter

Don't Miss

Gun Rights

“Gun Control” is a BS political device used by the progressive left.

It's a random totally U.S. story, once again spotted and then hastily posted — by the Canadian news media...

BANG! A Gun Rights Petition, Petition By A Liberal Against Other Liberals, And Others.

One federal E-Petition led me to another. I recently signed one, the one in support of gun rights and...

BREAKING: Killer did not adhere to gun laws, murder laws, or any laws.

The state-owned CBC boosted the left's gun control fetish this morning, with a fresh article misleading — or at...

Quick Reports

“Here’s what you need to know” (wink).

Where are we?

Eat *what* now?

Newsy Quickies

Be brave.

Marco Misinformer

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