State-run CBC produces another taxpayer-funded Conservative-bashing episode


Our tax dollars at work:

This is the same show on the state-run media division of the Liberal Party that produced and provided, at taxpayer expense, the facilities and props to Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish, who gleefully stomped on the doll of President Bush with her size-13 leather boot, then put the doll on a state-owned desk and jammed a pencil into the doll’s left eye repeatedly like some kind of crazed maniac, to the joy of CBC staff and liberals across Canada.

This, despite her being a “nuanced”, liberal “intellectual”, rather than a “moron”.

This Hours Has 22 Minutes is onto another Conservative-slamming episode this week, this time using another liberal’s Liberal, Belinda Stronach, to mock and cajole another conservative, this time Conservative Party of Canada leader Stephen Harper.

Here’s the “news story” about it, as found on the multi-gazzilion-dollar state-run people’s web site division of The Party, CBC.CA:

The 'honorable' Belinda Stronach, paid by taxpayersStronach aims Viagra remark at Harper
Last Updated Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:42:19 EST
CBC News

Human Resources Minister Belinda Stronach, who defected from the federal Conservatives to join Paul Martin’s cabinet last spring, made a bawdy remark about her former leader in a segment taped for this week’s edition of This Hour Has 22 Minutes.

Stronach was accosted Wednesday during a visit to Nova Scotia by comedian Cathy Jones, a star of the satiric television show that airs on CBC.

Jones asked Stronach how she felt about her public image in the wake of her political flipflop, which helped Martin’s minority Liberals survive a bid by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper to force an election.

“You’re a House of Commons wrecker being seduced by an older man who then, you find out, can’t even get his polls up,” Jones told Stronach, adding, “It’s not the size of his caucus, it’s what he does with it.”

Stronach, a former Conservative leadership candidate who often disagreed with Harper over the direction of the party, took the ribbing in stride and did some of her own.

“You know, I recommended to Stephen once that to rise in his polls he should take a little Viagra,” she told Jones. “But the pill got stuck in his throat and all he got was a stiff neck.”

[…] The show often intersects with Canadian politics in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

This is what a BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR of taxpayer funding will buy you.  It’s so very, very useful and such a wise use of our tax dollars.  Vote liberal.

It’s not uncommon for commercial TV “comedy” shows and comedians to joke about the party in power—the government.  What’s unusual is for state-run taxpayer-funded TV to do it, and for them to direct their negative, crass, slightly vulgar, and really not very funny remarks repeatedly on conservatives, like the Conservative Party of Canada, and its candidates and leadership, and to do it using sitting Liberal Party MPs, as they have now done on more than one occasion.

In this case, the sitting Liberal Party MP is also an “honorable” Cabinet Minister.

But while I’m on the subject of the overt liberal-left Carolyn Parrishes, Belinda Stronachs, and the perfidy of their anti-conservative state-run taxpayer-funded media, I got a great email from a reader this morning:

Hi Joel, first off let me say how much I enjoy your site.  I visit it a few times a day, it is very informative.  Articles about political polls amuse me.  As you probably know, Paul Martin visited Toronto yesterday to address the growing violence that is occurring in the city.  Paul Martin did his best to pretend to be tough on crime and called for mandatory sentences. This was all reported in the media.  However, what was not reported was Paul Martin’s visit to Aurora Ontario.  This is my riding.  We are represented by the traitorous Belinda Stronach.  Stronach’s defection to the Liberal Party compelled my wife and I to volunteer for the Conservative candidate in our riding- Lois Brown. A very decent an honourable woman I might add.  We have been canvassing with her and receiving very positive feedback.  Members in our community are outraged at the Liberal government.  However, we are also energized for the next election.  Stronach really angered those who voted her to office.  Getting back to Martin; I found it odd that he would make Aurora a stop unless he knows that Stronach’s seat is in jeopardy.  Judging by the responses we are getting I am assuming the same.  I understand that the Aurora-Newmarket riding is a unique riding given what went on last May with Stronach but it could still be used as barometer as to how Canadians view this corrupt party.  In short, I think these polls are extremely biased.  Who am I to believe, polls or my own eyes??  Anyway, keep up the good work and thank you for providing Canadians an alternative to liberal media bias.

Joel Johannesen
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